Wolvercote Primary School


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At Wolvercote, we aim to provide opportunities for children to learn about the world they live in. We want to foster children’s curiosity about their immediate surroundings, and aim to develop their knowledge and skills from the starting point of where they fit in the world. As our children progress through the school, we build on their understanding of the physical and human processes which shape the world around them. By giving them the skills and knowledge they need, they are able to explore, appreciate and better understand the world we live in.

Teaching & Learning

Geography at Wolvercote is taught through a Topic Curriculum; our pupils access all areas of the Geography National Curriculum through themed topics of study. Every two terms a focus topic is used to provide a context within which pupils explore related areas of the Geography Curriculum. Our topics are planned to support children in making links across the curriculum, and are usually centred on a text that will give meaningful context to the skills and knowledge taught in foundation subjects.

Within early years, aspects of Geography are taught through ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’; learning about real places that are important to them as well as special places in their community.

In KS1, children begin to develop a geographical vocabulary by learning about where they live, as well as one other small area of the United Kingdom and a small area in a contrasting non-European country. Topic Geography lessons use ICT, world maps, atlases and globes, compasses, aerial photographs and plans to help children develop their Geography skills in practical ways. Visits and trips also give children first-hand experiences of what their own and other areas are like. As they move into KS2, the teaching builds on previous knowledge by developing Location and Place Knowledge as well as deepening understanding of physical geography.

Equality of opportunity

Geography at Wolvercote promotes understanding of our own local community, as well as developing understanding of what it is like to live in a diverse range of countries and types of location. We celebrate the wide range of cultures and countries represented in our own community.

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